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Atlas King of Atlantis

May the force be with you

Philosopher, Historian,
Sacred Text and Mythology Decoder, 
Cosmology Reconstructor





The original meaning of the Greek  word Mythos was:

speech, story, discourse (discussion of a subject), saga (a long detailed report) or tale (report of events).  

However, in  1840 its meaning was arbitrarily changed to:

"untrue story, rumour, imaginary or fictitious object or individual"


The Epics of Creation & Myths were encoded detailed stories used to re-enact past planetary catastrophes taking place during the lifetime of kings, they were performed during annual Festivals and were used by the ruling tribes as form of propaganda to assert power over their subjects & to remind the people they should be obedient, faithful servants to their kings & gods, or punishment in the form of catastrophes would befall them.

Ancient Sacred & Mythological (Historic) Texts could help us comprehend our Present state of collective amnesia, relative morality, ignorance, PTSD, divide & conquer and never ending wars.


"To Know where you are going you need to know where you come from"


This is a place of inquiry, study & objective analysis of Ancient Historic & Sacred Texts, Myths, Symbols, Spirituality, Theology, Astrotheology, Megalithic sites & Antediluvian Civilizations, such as Atlantis and the epochs of the Golden Age, the Garden of Eden, Shambhala or Shangri-la... Ancient Texts and myths (the stories of the gods and heroes) contain  invaluable  amount of information, but their true meaning is concealed in code.  The key used to decode them, is Electromagnetic & Plasma Physics, Genetics, Genealogy, Archeology, Theology, Geology, among other fields of study. We might find the answers to questions:

Why have humans engaged in eternal wars? Can we heal the hatred & enmity amongst nations, races, the sexes & learn to live in peace & take care of each other & our beautiful Planet by following Natural vs. Man-made Laws? 

What are the origins of our current civilization, history of human-kind & the Solar System?

What is the purpose of life; the purpose of duality, evil (involution) & suffering?

Why have kings since ancient times stated their royal descent from the gods?

Why have all the ancient world historians & keepers of knowledge asserted the gods were real, giving us extreme details of their lives and genealogical trees going down to recent rulers & royals?

Why were these "giant, human-like gods" represented by astral bodies, angels, demons, monsters, serpents, lions, bulls, cows, rams, goats, eagles... or the forces of nature?

What  do  World Creations, Sun Ages or Yugas mean?

Were the Atlantean & Pre-Flood Civilizations, Giants, Dragons, and other mythological creatures real?  

My analysis is not meant to be disrespectful to anyone's beliefs; nor do I take 'sides' (I am on the side of Humanity and life). I work independently and mean to inspire your own research of Ancient texts. I encourage you to analyze the information and the sources presented, ponder or contemplate on its meaning and come up with your own conclusions.

Please take the time to check out the amazing links to the PDFs and educational websites, as well as the gallery of images with links.

NEW! You can schedule a One on One Q&A session with Tess for $77 USD/ hr

(Sliding scale available)

My eBook Mythos & Cosmogony under 'Cosmos' at



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Updated content of eBooks, videos & MP3 under Tess' eBooks & mp3 

Watch my presentation at the EU Conference 8-13-22!



You can find my research at THE PULSE EPEMC & Diffusion Research


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 TITANOMAKHIA: War of the Titans-Planets 
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