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plasma physics

Comet Tail plasma morphology

Comet Tail plasma morphology

From Emperor Tian's burial, China. The shapes of the tails are Birkeland Currents, they take different shapes depending on the angle seen from Earth & how they discharge the Solar Capacitor (Birkeland Current), The swastika and Spiral symbols were probably inspired from these formations

Cross in Cymatics' Bubble

Cross in Cymatics' Bubble

By David Schiermeyer. Cymatics replicate plasma formations caused by Planets & Comets interacting with Birkeland Currents incl. Earth's magnetosphere

Star in Cymatics' Bubble

Star in Cymatics' Bubble

By David Schiermeyer. Cymatics replicate plasma formations caused by Planets & Comets interacting with Birkeland Currents incl. Earth's magnetosphere

1527 Comet 'The Book of Miracles'

1527 Comet 'The Book of Miracles'

1527: The comet's "head like a bent arm, as if it had a sword in its hand and wanted to strike. And at the point of the sword there were three big stars and from the stars sprang a cloud-coloured stream, which was longer than the comet's tail." - The Book of Miracles

GReat Comet 1744

GReat Comet 1744

Cult of Aten (Athena) c 3500 BC & Tanit in c 500 BC, were probably inspired by the Plasma Tail formation of the Planet/Comet VENUS.

Comet morphology

Comet morphology

Comets discharge the Birkelnad currents of the Solar wind. The plasma tails can take many forms as the perspective from Earth, proximity, direction towards the Sun changes. Planets out of their regular orbits will behave like comets as seen from Earth

Great comet 1744

Great comet 1744

When the plasma tail of comets electrically connect with the Earth's plasma sheath, meteors, electrical discharges, fireballs, heavy elements, water, viruses, bacteria & microorganisms, radiation, etc. can enter Earth's atmosphere

tanit aten Venus Comet

tanit aten Venus Comet

Cult of Aten (Athena) c 3500 BC & Tanit in c 500 BC, were probably inspired by the Plasma Tail formation of the Planet/Comet VENUS. Planets discharging the Solar Capacitor behave like Comets

Aten-cult Venus 3500 BC

Aten-cult Venus 3500 BC

Plasma Tail formation discharging the Solar Capacitor. Planets also behave like comets when their orbits are disrupted

coptic cross, egyptian christianity 500

coptic cross, egyptian christianity 500

Bayeux Tapestry Halley

Bayeux Tapestry Halley

Depiction of Comet's head & tail resemble the Aten, Tanit's symbol, which was Venus discharging the Birkeland current or solar wind

Illinois, Comet of 1066?

Illinois, Comet of 1066?

Exactly like the depiction of the Great comet of 1066 in the Bayeux Tapestry

Tanit comet tail pyramid

Tanit comet tail pyramid

The symbol used by goddess Tanit/ Venus starting 600 BC, resembles a comet with a plasma tail that looks like a pyramid as well as discharges coming out of the head of the comet

Saudi Arabia Tanit symbol

Saudi Arabia Tanit symbol

Tanit stele

Tanit stele

Comet passes Mars

Comet passes Mars

Cult of Aten (Athena) c 3500 BC & Tanit in c 500 BC, were probably inspired by the Plasma Tail formation of the Planet/Comet VENUS.

Hale Bopp comet tail morphology

Hale Bopp comet tail morphology

Birkeland currents (high intensity plasma) spiraling currents of the comet's coma

Naga HIndu serpent god

Naga HIndu serpent god

Comet seen in the sky as spiraling Birkeland currents and a 7 headed serpent. Possibly Mercury (son of Jupiter) who represented Buddha c. 3700 BC

Comet Hyakutake 2009

Comet Hyakutake 2009

Spinning plasma Birkeland currets

Biela's Comet 1852

Biela's Comet 1852

Spiraling Plasma Tail formation discharging the Solar Capacitor/ Solar wind (Birlekand currents). Planets also behave like comets when their orbits are disrupted

comet tail pictographs

comet tail pictographs

Depictions of plasma formations from comet tail & other phenomena caused by plasma from comets or Solar Flares

Comet plasma Chaco Canyon

Comet plasma Chaco Canyon

The hand and spiral symbols are plasma tails of discharging comets

Swastika and Cross petropgyphs

Swastika and Cross petropgyphs

Swastikas or Crosses seen since ancient times were the plasma tails of comets or planets as seen from Earth, discharging Birkeland currents

Mesopotamia 5000 BC

Mesopotamia 5000 BC

Research has suggested the Swastika to have originally represented an ancient cometary display in the sky, explaining the ubiquity of the symbol around the world. Fernando Coimbra wrote a paper on this subject in 2011

Comet morphology

Comet morphology

Like swords and lances, comets have been described since ancient times

Caduceus Serpent Comet

Caduceus Serpent Comet

16th century comet

Americo Vespuchi 1491

Americo Vespuchi 1491

He sees and measures the comet that looked like a Cross

Comet phenomena 1561

Comet phenomena 1561

Red Cross San Francis of Asisi

Red Cross San Francis of Asisi

The Red Cross seen often in the 16th. were the plasma tails of comets or planets as seen from Earth

Comet's plasma tail

Comet's plasma tail

When the plasma tail of comets electrically connect with the Earth's plasma sheath, meteors, electrical discharges, fireballs, heavy elements, water, viruses, bacteria & microorganisms, radiation, etc. can enter Earth's atmosphere

Hale-Bopp seen 6 years in 1997

Hale-Bopp seen 6 years in 1997

When the plasma tail of comets electrically connect with the Earth's plasma sheath, meteors, electrical discharges, fireballs, heavy elements, water, viruses, bacteria & microorganisms, radiation, etc. can enter Earth's atmosphere

great comet 1861

great comet 1861

Plasma Tail formation discharging the Solar Capacitor. Planets also behave like comets when their orbits are disrupted

7 headed Dragon and queen Babylon

7 headed Dragon and queen Babylon

Ottheinrich Bible, Bavaria, 15th century.

7 headed monster/comet

7 headed monster/comet

Halley 14-15 c AD

Halley 14-15 c AD

Comets were feared because they could cause radiation sickness (leprosy) plagues/ pestilence, famines, global cooling, conflagrations, earthquakes, floods, etc

1456 Schilling Halley evil returns

1456 Schilling Halley evil returns

Comets' tails cause strange phenomena including, meteors, fire balls rain of elements that looked like blood, plasma discharges or thunderbolts causing conflagrations

Constantine's Comets

Constantine's Comets

A series of Comets or planets were seen by Constantine in 321 & 323, he decided to convert as the End of the World was expected

comets 1700's

comets 1700's

Comets discharge the Birkelnad currents of the Solar wind. The plasma tails can take many forms as the perspective from Earth, proximity, direction towards the Sun changes. Planets out of their regular orbits will behave like comets as seen from Earth

F) comets 1680-1800

F) comets 1680-1800

Salon in Provence, c. 1547

Salon in Provence, c. 1547

Comets discharge the Birkelnad currents of the Solar wind. The plasma tails can take many forms as the perspective from Earth, proximity, direction towards the Sun changes. Planets out of their regular orbits will behave like comets as seen from Earth

Comet Nuremberg 04-04 1561

Comet Nuremberg 04-04 1561

Comets in 1560, 1561-62 & 1558 brought many strange phenomena in their tails, including, meteors, fire balls rain of elements that looked like blood, plasma discharges or thunderbolts causing conflagrations

1661 sky phenomena, Berkfhire

1661 sky phenomena, Berkfhire

A very large “star” with an “opening” underneath, from which issued streams of fire was seen for thirty minutes. Mirabilis Annus Secundus (1662)

1516 Nuremberg

1516 Nuremberg

Comets in 1516, 1560, 1562 & 1558 brought many strange phenomena in their tails, including, meteors, fire balls rain of elements that looked like blood, plasma discharges or thunderbolts causing conflagrations

1560 Coemt in shape of a sword

1560 Coemt in shape of a sword

Comets in 1560, 1562 & 1558 brought many strange phenomena in their tails, including, meteors, fire balls rain of elements that looked like blood, plasma discharges or thunderbolts causing conflagrations

1560 Fire over the city

1560 Fire over the city

Comets in 1560 & 1558 brought many strange phenomena in their tails, including plasma discharges or thunderbolts causing conflagrations

1401, Wunderzeichenbuch Augsbur_edited

1401, Wunderzeichenbuch Augsbur_edited

1406 Comet, mutations, disease

1406 Comet, mutations, disease

When the plasma tail of comets electrically connect with the Earth's plasma sheath, meteors, electrical discharges, fireballs, heavy elements, water, viruses, bacteria & microorganisms, radiation, etc. can enter Earth's atmosphere

Comet seen over Ireland

Comet seen over Ireland

Serpentine like Comet, due to the spiraling Birkeland current it discharges electrically

The Seven Headed Dragon

The Seven Headed Dragon

Plasma phenomena & comets meant impending apocalypse could occur again. 7 headed dragons were first recorded in 3500 BC

6 Headed Dragon/Comet 1700's

6 Headed Dragon/Comet 1700's

Comet ISON winged coma

Comet ISON winged coma

Comet ISON's electric coma or plasma tail is discharging the Solar capacitor or Birkeland currents electric sheaths

Halley 1835

Halley 1835

Comets discharge the Birkelnad currents of the Solar wind. The plasma tails can take many forms as the perspective from Earth, proximity, direction towards the Sun changes. Planets out of their regular orbits will behave like comets as seen from Earth

Constantine's Comet

Constantine's Comet

Samarra, Mesopotamia 5000 BC

Samarra, Mesopotamia 5000 BC

Research has suggested the Swastika to have originally represented an ancient cometary display in the sky, explaining the ubiquity of the symbol around the world. Fernando Coimbra wrote a paper on this subject in 2011

Machholz comet, corkscrew tail

Machholz comet, corkscrew tail

Example of high intensity plasma (Birkeland currents) of comet's coma.

Barclodiad y Gawres petroglyph

Barclodiad y Gawres petroglyph

Birkeland currents & Plasma formations? See Anthony Peratt's lab experiments PDF under eBooks page

plasma chatged

plasma chatged

The Cross & Serpent Swastika

The Cross & Serpent Swastika

Research has suggested the Swastika to have originally represented an ancient cometary display in the sky, explaining the ubiquity of the symbol around the world. Fernando Coimbra wrote a paper on this subject in 2011

Hale Bopp coma morphology

Hale Bopp coma morphology

Birkeland currents (high intensity plasma) spiraling currents of the comet's coma

Comet ISON's Winged Coma

Comet ISON's Winged Coma

Comets like Planets & Stars, discharge the electrical currents within the Birkeland currents or sheaths they travel along.

Sun Disk with cross

Sun Disk with cross

A series of Comets or planets were seen by Constantine in 321 & 323, he decided to convert as the End of the World was expected

Sun disk Tidavnet

Sun disk Tidavnet

This phenomena is seen when a comet's plasma tails are below the glowing ball of the comet. It is the origin of the Celtic Cross

Constantine's Sun Disk/ Comet

Constantine's Sun Disk/ Comet

A series of Comets or planets were seen by Constantine in 321 & 323, he decided to convert as the End of the World was expected

Egyptian Ankh

Egyptian Ankh

This was probably a Planet/Comet's plasma tails seen circa 3500 BC and used by An and the cult of Anjou or cult of Ankh in Egypt

Coptic cross crux ansata 4-5 C AD_edited

Coptic cross crux ansata 4-5 C AD_edited

The symbol of Christian Coptic Cross was used in 400 AD in Africa. Where they seeing Planets/Comets' plasma tails resembling the ancient Egyptian Ankh?

Star size comparison

Star size comparison

Earth could have orbited the red dwarf Proto-Uranus during the "Garden of Eden" & "Golden Age" epochs according to the Myths & Histories of Creation

Ar Scorpii Red Dwarf 950515 Flaring

Ar Scorpii Red Dwarf 950515 Flaring

Proto Uranus represented several deities -Ouranos, An, Nut, Hephaestus, Helios, Surya... as it transformed from red dwarf, lost its thick plasma sheath, went nova & lost some of its planets

Red Dwarf with planets

Red Dwarf with planets

The red plasma sheath of Proto-Uranus would have been known as Ouranos/ Heavenly Father/ Caelus/ Sky/ Nut/ Pratjapati, An/Anu, etc

View of Helios & Moon from Earth

View of Helios & Moon from Earth

After exiting the cocoon/ plasma sheath of Proto-Uranus, the earthlings might have seen the dwarf star Helios/Uranus they orbited & their new acquired moon (brighter & closer than shown here)

Helius/Helios view from the Moon

Helius/Helios view from the Moon

Helios (First Star seen) previously known as Hephaestus/Heavenly Fire, could have looked like this. The Moon would have been originally brighter & closer to Earth with an atmosphere; a former satellite of Uranus

Brown Dwarf Super Flares

Brown Dwarf Super Flares

“The fission process is repeated in further electrical disturbances by flaring red dwarfs and gas giant planets ejecting rocky and icy planets, moons, comets, asteroids and meteorites. Planetary systems may also be acquired over time by electrical capture of independent interstellar bodies such as dim brown dwarf stars. That seems the best explanation for our ‘fruit salad’ of a solar system" - Wal Thornhill

Red Dwarf Star Nova rendering

Red Dwarf Star Nova rendering

Adam and his descendants used to sit under the splendor of the Shekinah, who was 64,000 times more radiant than the splendour of the (current) Sun. Seems that Proto-Uranus & Proto-Saturn went nova (Neptune & Jupiter did too). Rings are the consequence of a nova

Electric Star Nova rendering

Electric Star Nova rendering

Double layers can explode, releasing more energy than is locally present. That effect is seen in solar flares, as well as in nova explosions. Novae could be thought of as coronal mass ejections that involve an entire star. Expansion into surrounding plasma generates shock waves, but those waves are driven by a surge of electric charge.

Uranus, tilted with Rings after nova

Uranus, tilted with Rings after nova

Ways to change a planet's tilt, or obliquity, includes tidal forces/shock waves driven by surges in electric charge and resonances between a planet's spin and its orbit.



According to Donald Scott's EU model, our Sun is within the Birkeland Current's Z-pinch that looks like the hour glass shape depicted here. The planets & sun must therefore spin within these currents in the shape of a bullet

Spining magnetic currents

Spining magnetic currents

According to Donald Scott's EU model, our Sun is within the Birkeland Current's Z-pinch that looks like the hour glass shape depicted here. The planets & sun must therefore spin within these currents in the shape of a bullet. Video courtesy of smudgebits

Galactic Model

Galactic Model

A rendition from my idea based on Donald Scott, Jim Weninger & Eugene Bagashov's theories: The model applies to Galaxies spinning/ discharging gigantic Birkeland Currents, with their galactic arms following behind the Galactic Star/Core; similarly to comets & planets of our Solar system spin & discharge the Solar capacitor. This model applies to all star systems, including our own solar system. * Heliospause would be Cone-shaped similar to a comet's tail.Video by smudgebits

1. Red Dwarf Star Cocoon

1. Red Dwarf Star Cocoon

Uranus/Neptune/Saturn (Anodes) form triple star system. Earth orbits inside the plasma sheath. Cosmic Egg of Creation. "Garden of Eden & Golden Age" epochs. Ouranos/Shekinah/Nut as plasma sheath/atmosphere. Hephaestus (Heavenly Fire) is the blurred inner dwarf star's disk.

2. Proto Uranus becomes Star Helios

2. Proto Uranus becomes Star Helios

The heliosphere casues Uranus to turn Cathode & plasma sheath dissipates. Hephaestus, is visible & called Helios/Phanes, Seasons, Astronomy, catastrophes, Agriculture, Moon captured. "Fall of Man & removal from the Garden of Eden" Adam became afraid of the ever turning sword of fire. The gas giants flare

3. Proto Uranus/Helios goes Nova

3. Proto Uranus/Helios goes Nova

Titans Saturn, Neptune & Jupiter kill young Helios. Uranus' nova, (swallows his children) with flares. Is deposed by flaring Cronus & sent to Tartarus (fringes of solar system). Catastrophes & flood of Enoch

4 Saturn captures Uranus' planets

4 Saturn captures Uranus' planets

Cathodes Uranus & Neptune is tilted, looses mass, brightness & gets their rings. Cathode Saturn captures the Earth, Moon & other planets. Reign of Saturn lasts 669 years before it gets dethroned by Jupiter & goes nova (Noah's deluge)

Birkeland Currents

Birkeland Currents

Shell Structures

Z pinch in Plasma Filament

Z pinch in Plasma Filament

Nebula HD-4470

Nebula HD-4470

The plasma looks like 2 inverted Pyramids coming out from the star at the Z pinch. The Pyramids built on Earth are probably mirroring the images seen in the skies

Nebula HD-4470

Nebula HD-4470

The plasma looks like 2 inverted Pyramids coming out from the star at the Z pinch. The Pyramids built on Earth are probably mirroring the images seen in the skies

Galactic Core Birkeland Current

Galactic Core Birkeland Current

Hannes Alfvén's model. The Great Central Sun (Galactic Core) travels along & discharges the Birkeland currents (plasma-electricity). The galactic arms are giant Birkeland Currents (plasma filaments). The same model applies to Stars, Planets & Comets (& the Solar system, of course)

Sun's Birkeland Currents

Sun's Birkeland Currents

Can a Physicist please let me know how many sheaths of current the Sun has? Is it maximum 5?

Earth's Birkeland Currents

Earth's Birkeland Currents

This is a side view of the Birkeland currents. Imagine the lines are sheaths of counter-rotating currents in concentric cylinders & of the Birkeland Currents. Maybe the Moon follows along one of this currents.

Earth's Birkeland Currents

Earth's Birkeland Currents

Earth is discharging the Solar wind or solar capacitor, that is why the magnetosphere looks like a comet's tail. When planets magnetospheres (plasma tails) intersect there is an electric connection. In the case of Venus, we connect yearly with its tail. Earth also connects with other planet's plasma sheaths

Earth & Planetary Birkeland Current

Earth & Planetary Birkeland Current

Earth's Plasma Sheath

Earth's Plasma Sheath

Earth interacts or discharges the Solar Birkeland Currents, similarly to a Comet's coma or tail discharges the Solar capacitor

Earth's Solar Shockwave 2019

Earth's Solar Shockwave 2019

Earth's ANGEL-like WIngs (guess this is where angel's symbols were inspired by) are the plasma discharges of the Solar Birkeland Currents. Comets, Stars and planets discharges the Birkeland currents in the same fashion

Comet ISON

Comet ISON

Great Stupa, Sanchi, India

Great Stupa, Sanchi, India

Notice the details of Spirals at each end of the Stupa. Stupas demarc holy or sacred spaces, where the gods lived and off limits to the masses

Comet Hale Bopp

Comet Hale Bopp

The "spinning" plasma or electric tail of a comet is the display of the Birkeland currents it travels along. A Star or planet can make the comet light up due to the electric interactions

Mythos and Electric Universe

Mythos and Electric Universe

The gods in mythology, such as Phanes, Ophion, Ananke, Nut, Aether, Bulls, Goats, Nagas, Serpent/ Dragon gods etc, were representing the electric principles & plasma discharges of the plasma universe, including of course the Birkeland Currents the ancients witnessed in the skies during millennia

Birkeland Current

Birkeland Current

As we all know there exists forces of attraction and repulsion amongst different and same charges due to magnetic field produced by them. A current carrying conductor also generates a magnetic field which is in form of concentric circles around the conductor.

Birkeland Currents

Birkeland Currents

Computer simulation of Birkeland Currents resemble petroglyphs and spirals. See Anthony L. Peratt's lab experiments

Cygnus Loop Nebula

Cygnus Loop Nebula

Plasma Filaments Spin like Birkeland Currents

Donald Scott's Birkeland current

Donald Scott's Birkeland current

Birkeland current

Birkeland current

Birkeland Current Aurora

Birkeland Current Aurora

Birkeland Current top view

Birkeland Current top view

Planets, Stars & Comets must be orbiting on the concentric cylinders & counter-rotating currents of the Birkeland Current. Comets are Planets or moons discharging the Solar capacitor or Birkeland Currents.

Spiriling DNA

Spiriling DNA

DNA must be formed along a Birkeland Current on a microcosmic level

Birkeland Currents

Birkeland Currents

This seems to be the basic pattern of the Birkeland Currents that applies possibly to Galaxies, Solar systems, Stars & Planets

Saturn's  North Pole

Saturn's North Pole

Birkeland Currents can be seen counter rotating

Pictograms Kere Kere caves Indonesia

Pictograms Kere Kere caves Indonesia

link to petroglyph page:

Birkeland Currents

Birkeland Currents

Cross view of the Birkeland Currents. They inspired the symbols of the Owl eyed petroglyphs and goddess Inanna's owl symbol

King Tuttankamon Comet depiction

King Tuttankamon Comet depiction

Notice the Comet's head, eyes & the tails. It's all plasma discharges that have been replicated in the laboratory by Anthony L. Peratt

Marklund Convection

Marklund Convection

Heavy elements are synthesized in plasma discharges that “precipitate” into a star’s interior (like a rain of metal atoms) through a process called, “Marklund convection"

Tanit coin sundisk Uraeus

Tanit coin sundisk Uraeus

Medusa gorgon (Venus)

Medusa gorgon (Venus)

Medusa was Venus electrically discharging. One of her discharging forms, resembled horns, as it discharged the solar wind (solar capacitor)



The wings denote the human goddess has taken the form of the planet, discharging serpentine plasma & thunderbolts & endangering Earth and other planets or moons

Gorgon Okeanos/Neptune Roman

Gorgon Okeanos/Neptune Roman

Okeanos/ Neptune/ Poseidon, is depicted as a Gorgon, electrically interacting & discharging plasma or thunderbolts when it interacted with Earth & Venus' plasma sheaths c. 1500 BC

Gorgon Neptune & Pegasus

Gorgon Neptune & Pegasus

Pegasus (plasma formation resembling a horse) was seen when Neptune interacted (mated) with Venus

Teotihuacan, Quetzalcoatl serpent

Teotihuacan, Quetzalcoatl serpent

The plumed serpent or winged serpent was both a human ruler also symbolized by the planet Venus circa 1400-1500 BC. The Tzolkin calendar was created to track Venus' orbit close approaching Earth

Assur of Assyria

Assur of Assyria

Enlil, known as Assur is shown inside a winged disk, here as Jupiter when Earth approached it circa 2100 BC. Niburu/Nibiru/Marduk referred to (Jupiter, Neptune, Venus & Mercury & was represented as a winged disk

Moses with plasma Horns

Moses with plasma Horns

Moses was said to have ascended or transformed into a Star upon his death, during the Venus plasma discharges of c. 1500 BC. Alexander the Great and Cyrus the Great also were depicted with Horns upon their "Ascension" into a Comet/Star seen close to the time of their death

Arc of the Covenant

Arc of the Covenant

4 Horns & cherubs (angels) sit at the top or the Arc. Perhaps some kind of technology was housed inside it. Or perhaps housed the genealogies & secret scientific & astronomical information?

7 Headed Petroglyph

7 Headed Petroglyph

Stick man with 7 heads with symbol of cross within a circle could depict Mercury or comet with serpentine plasma discharges

Rock art, Siberia

Rock art, Siberia

5,000 years ago, artists depicted strange humanoid figures with halos & horns (plasma formations seen in the skies?)

Pictogram, Coyote Buttes AZ

Pictogram, Coyote Buttes AZ

Birkeland currents & plasma formations?

ANU SINOM (ant people)

ANU SINOM (ant people)

Anasazi & Hopi people made these pictographs depicting plasma formations, comet tail formations & related phenomena. The Anu Sinom civilized & gave them knowledge

Anasazi pictographs, AZ

Anasazi pictographs, AZ

Anasazi & Hopi people made these pictographs depicting plasma formations, comet tail formations & related phenomena. The Anu Sinom civilized & gave them knowledge

Anasazi pictographs4

Anasazi pictographs4

Anu Sinom as Comets

Anu Sinom as Comets

Anasazi & Hopi people made these pictographs depicting plasma formations, comet tail formations & related phenomena. The Anu Sinom civilized & gave them knowledge

Comet & plasma pictograph

Comet & plasma pictograph

Hopi Blue Star Kachina

Hopi Blue Star Kachina

When the Blue and Red Kachina or Katsinam (comets) appear, they will announce the end of the current 4th world

Labyrinth, Coyote Buttes AZ

Labyrinth, Coyote Buttes AZ

Symbols of Labyrinths & Minotaur; monster Humbaba killed by Gilgamesh & "Gordian Knot" cut by Alexander the Great inspired by plasma formations?

Pictish Petroglyphs

Pictish Petroglyphs

Pictish petroglyphs resemble Globeki Tepe's symbols of plasma discharges & planetary discharges & related phenomena

Eye Nebula

Eye Nebula

Beautiful display of plasma

Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton's book (1700’s) "Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended” gives the chronology of the rulers since the time of Atlantis, including Noah’s Flood, Troy, the Argonauts, King Minos & knew Myths were history

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